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  1. CrvckerJax

    “Internal Server Error”

    I’m currently stuck in room 4 on my current run; every time I try to enter another room, I get a server error message. I tried logging out and restarting the app…same thing every time.
  2. CrvckerJax

    Not a Bug Room Modifiers Not Showing Up

    After the room 20 boss, the modifiers suddenly aren’t visible.
  3. CrvckerJax

    A Few Suggestions

    A few features that I think would be cool: — An assortment of player avatars (viewable in PvP) — Unique animations for each attack spell — Global chat
  4. CrvckerJax

    Solved Stuck on Update Screen!

    I updated the app from the App Store, then opened the game and was told to update the game. This just takes me back to the App Store where all I can do is press “open” and I end up back on the update screen in the game. I tried reinstalling the game and it still just says I need to update the...
  5. CrvckerJax

    Solved DEF not registering?

    It seems like my defense is suddenly not registering. Early enemies are now doing 3x the damage they were about an hour ago…
  6. CrvckerJax

    Weird HP Issue

    Just ran into an issue where I went to use a medium health potion and my HP max suddenly dropped to 46. When I restart, my health is back to normal, but if I try to use the potion again, the same thing happens.
  7. CrvckerJax

    Solved Random Modifier Issue

    When the random (dice) modifier lands on the green gas, the actual modifier is the purple gas.
  8. CrvckerJax

    Problems with Syncing…

    I constantly have to restart the game because it gets stuck on ‘syncing’.
  9. CrvckerJax

    Solved +1 Modifier Issue

    The cooldown effect stays on my character after I have left the room. There is something wrong with the cooldowns.
  10. CrvckerJax

    Solved Equipped Spells Problem

    I can no longer select or unequip my equipped spells.